Wednesday, April 28, 2010

UK journalists start entrepreneurial niche websites

Although entrepreneurial blog sites are old hat in the United States, they are just hitting the scene in the UK and are quickly gaining momentum, reports the Independent.

The trend towards professional online news sites unrelated to established print papers started in the US and has since seen the foundation of multimillion dollar sites like the Huffington Post or the Gawker media sites. The Independent's Ian Burrell calls the UK versions of sites like these "expertly written websites that cater for the specialist audiences that are arguably no longer being served as they once were by more traditional media organisations."

Burrell cites recently founded niche website The Arts Desk as an example of this trend. The Arts Desk offers readers professional arts criticism from journalists formerly or currently employed by well-established papers, and aims to have the site updated by 2 am after opening performances--much quicker than most newspapers publish.
One such journalist, Ismene Brown, was laid off from her job as dance critic at the Daily Telegraph and went on to help found the Arts Desk, recruiting a group of 30 like-minded journalists and finding private investment for the site. Almost six months in, it already draws 60,000 visitors each month and has ads from from the South Bank Center and the O2 and London theatres.

101 Holidays is a similar venture, founded by former Sunday Times travel writers Mark Hosdon and David Wickers. They aim to provide a resource for travelers that is unique from most travel websites because of their background knowledge.

"One of the core principles of our site is expert recommendation," Hodson said. " We are trying to say 'Believe us' because we have been to all these places."

more info :-

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