Monday, March 29, 2010

How to Create Multiple Niche Websites Fast!

If you ever had the experience of creating your own websites and trying to monetize from it with Google AdSense, you will definitely agree that the most profitable websites to generate would be niche websites. Especially MULTIPLE niche websites.

Why create specific niche websites?

The reason is pretty simple: anyone with essential webmaster skills can easily create websites with non targeted content and possibly slap it with AdSense codes and leave it to Google to put up whatever advertisements it deems relevant for your websites. And in case you're not aware, not all Google AdSense advertisements pay the same amount of ad cost to the webmaster.

Surprised? You shouldn't be. It's typical common sense. This happens likewise in real world advertising as well. Depending on the niche you are advertising for, some advertisements would earn you more cash than some others.

Since that's the case, doesn't it make sense to focus your efforts on creating specific niche websites that's guaranteed to bring in the cash cow? Well, that's one school of thought. Sure, webmasters can exercise this option and focus their efforts to create these specific niche websites and by doing so, do their own research, or pay a ghost writer to create web content for such specific niches. The end cost will vary depending on your network and outsourcing skills. And not to mention the amount of time involved in researching for these specific niches.

Another option would be to create as many (that's right) websites as possible across various niches. This would include evergreen popular niches, right up to professional niches (for example, those related to finance matters) and covering mundane niches as well.

You maybe wondering why this should even be considered a possible option in the first instance. The reason is because rather than focusing all your effort and putting all your eggs into one basket in the chase of the ideal specific niche areas, it maybe more worthwhile to cast a wider net across a variety of niches and in the process of doing so, achieve two potential outcomes:

a) Discovering more hidden niches; and,
b) Collecting all the little dollars and cents which will greatly add up to your website monetization efforts.

Get the idea so far?

But here comes the next obstacle: how on earth would it be possible to invest such an amount of time to create these multiple niche websites? Even then, won't it cost a financial blow to your pockets to pay someone else to write all the relevant content for these niche websites? These are real concerns that anyone (yes, not just professional webmasters, but even any internet marketer who is reading this right now and know the value of such undertaking) should consider and can easily incur a great deal of financial and time investment.

My solution? Find out from the resource box.

more info:-!&id=1586476

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