Monday, March 8, 2010

How to Find Niche Website Ideas

Knowing how to find niche website ideas is one of the keys to affiliate marketing success. Many affiliate marketers who are just starting out, choose to focus their efforts on broad categories, such as clothes, jewelry or money making products, this can be a costly mistake.

However, there is so much competition in these broad categories that it is easy for your efforts to get lost. Further, when potential customers do internet searches for broad terms like these, they are usually in the very beginning stages of their buying cycles. You want to put your niche website in front of them when they are close to making a purchase.

People usually do lots of research on products before they buy, narrowing down their search words each time to be more and more specific, until they find exactly what they want. You want to catch people at the end of the buying cycle, once they know what they want and are ready to purchase it.

The more specific you can get with your market focus, the better chance you'll have of attracting buyers. So, instead of focusing on "wedding dresses," focus on a very narrow market, like "maternity wedding dresses" or "spring wedding dresses." It will be easier for your marketing efforts to stand out when you use niches like these, and your chances of making a sale will be much higher.

It is also best if you know how to get niche ideas for products that have a lot of hungry buyers. In fact, the more desperate the buyers, the better your chances will be of selling to them. Finding hot niche markets with ready buyers isn't difficult. All it takes is some basic research and this is research that isn't going to cost you a dime, just pop along to your local library or bookstore.

Firstly scan the headlines of magazines, and here do not just look at the general men's and women's magazines but also at those about hobbies, leisure activities, etc and spread your net as wide as possible. Look to see what themes develop among the article titles. Chances are, these are the topics people are interested in. Then, search the Internet for information about these topics, using narrow search terms. If you get lots of results returned to you, including paid ads, then you have found a niche website idea upon which you can start to build.

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