Do you find it hard to make money from your online niche marketing efforts? Would you like to know how to become an expert niche finder? There are three essential elements to look for in a niche? When you find all three you know you've got a money making niche on your hands!
So with that said, there are three critical characteristics to look for in a niche as part of your potential profitability evaluation.
Characteristic One
Do the people in the niche have a desperate need for the product or service you are promoting? It's not about whether or not they will like your product, or whether they will want it either. If you want to make a lot of money, you have to identify a group of people with a desperate need. If they are desperate for a solution to a problem they are more likely to spend their last dollar on your product if it provides what they need. For example someone who is deep in debt and desperate to borrow money, or is desperate to save a relationship are great examples of desperate people.
So the expert niche finder golden rule number one is to identify a desperate market!
Characteristic Two
Do the people with the desperate need have any money to spend? There is no point marketing a product if your target market can't afford the product you are promoting! For example, someone who is desperate to borrow money won't have the cash to spend on a product that tells them how to make money or how to get a loan. They may be desperate, but they need a free solution. That said, if you are promoting a payday loan product to those people you may well have a lot of success, but promoting a product they have to pay for won't get you very far. Obviously the more money people in your target market have the better. As an example, people desperate to make a lot of money in the forex market typically have a lot of money to spend or speculate with.
So the expert niche finder golden rule number two is to ensure that the people in your desperate market have the cash to pay for it!
Characteristic Three
How many people are there in the niche actually searching for the solution your product offers? Marketing is a numbers game. The more people there are searching in your niche, the money there is to be had. If your target niche only has a few people searching online each month for your product, you're not going to convert many in to sales. You therefore need to do some keyword research on your niche to see how many people are entering "buying" keywords each month. A niche may get a lot of traffic, but if that traffic is people simply searching for free information on a hobby or interest, they're not going to make you any money. The keyword phrases that people type in must show that they are looking for a solution that they need so badly they'll part with cash for it!
So the expert niche finder golden rule number three is to ensure there are enough buyers searching for your solution in the niche to make it worth your time promoting!
Once you have identified a niche that meets all three criteria, you need to do your keyword research thoroughly and optimise your marketing around the common "buyer" keywords. Even in the most competitive niches there are some uncompetitive keywords to target, and the traffic they draw will convert well!
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