Finding a profitable niche market for your internet marketing home business is probably the most important step you will take in starting your business. This will be your most important task as an affiliate marketer. If you fail to get this part right then nothing else really matters.
The whole concept of affiliate marketing is to act as a middle man between the merchant and the customer. This gives you a very unique perspective in not only understanding the operation of the merchant's business, but also the needs of the customers. Although your ultimate goal is to make money from your efforts as an affiliate marketer.
Your job as an affiliate marketer is to find a group of people who have a problem and help them find a solution to that problem. That is, "find a hungry crowd" and make them an offer they can't resist. What you have to learn here is how to identify niche markets and determine the potential of that market in terms of profitability.
You will need to brainstorm here to identify topics that you are probably already interested in.
For example this could be:
Music -> Country -> 70's Classics -> and...
Sports -> Baseball -> Pitching Techniques -> and...
Cooking -> Vegetarian -> Barbecue Style -> and...
Computer -> Web Design -> Graphics -> and...
The idea here is to choose a general market at first, but to find a profitable niche within that market you will have to narrow down your search to a small part of the general market... this is where your market research comes in.
If you choose a market that is too broad, you might have difficulty competing to make sales. A broad market also limits the ideas that you can come up with. This is why it is important to look for a niche or a small part of the general market.
Now, the easiest way to start your research is to use the search engines, like Google and Yahoo. These are all free and will provide you with many possibilities.
As a new affiliate marketer it is best to access as much free resources as possible, until you start making money from your marketing efforts... then you can invest a part of your income in more effective tools and resources.
You can also fine-tune your research by:
. Using Overture or Wordtracker...
. Visiting related forums to see what problems people are having, (excellent source)...
. Visit Amazon or Ebay and search within their database to get more ideas, etc.
After you've identified a niche that you would like to target, you will then need to find out the potential of that niche in terms of profitability. You're in business to make money, so you need to do some research here to find out if you will be able to make money within that niche.
Probably the quickest and easiest way to find out this information is to visit Clickbank. The information you need here is to see if there are products already in that market, if sales are being made and the potential profitability of that product.
You will need to check out the products to see if there are affiliates making money from these products and, if you will be able to market these products in your niche to make money. These research will take some time, but you need to do it to avoid wasting your time when it comes to your marketing later on.
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